Monday, January 23, 2012

Two important schools and our first project of our own

On Wednesday Sisters Schuld and Hickman took us to a school for mentally handicapped children.  It was one of the most beautiful, well run school which we have seen.

We were quite impressed with the director, the teachers and the students.  They have some needs, which you can see, but they have a high quality program.  Many of the students spend the school nights there and go home on the weekends. 

Although the tables for wood working are old they have plenty of room, and a great instructor with good equipment.  The computers are very old and do not work and the same can be said about the balls.  The young girls have an excellant instuctor teaching various types of weaving and above right are some of the art work created by the students.  Sisters Hickman and Schuld introduced us to this school and they are checking out some of the weaving done by the young girls.
The director is quite active in recruting help for the school.  They need computers, balls, new flooring, and some upgraded tools for their woodworking program. 

We then went to a school for the deaf in the afternoon.  Again, there is a dedicated director here with about 125 students which are deaf. 
Students in wood shop at top left and center, metal shop and instructor top right, school director on bottom right with various types of sewing which they are teaching the girls.
 The US has helped this school but there are many things they are unable to do.  It is in this school that they need to learn a skill which they can use to support themselves following school.  They would like to teach various types of sewing and cooking to the girls and the boys they teach woodworking and metal working.  However, they have no working sewing machines, no stove or sink and almost no tools of any type for wood or metal work.   You can see from the pictures what they have done with the equipment which they have.

On Friday, January 20th,  we meet with Bethany Winfrey (Peace Corp Worker), (the librarian of Scorteni) and a friend of Bethany's from Scorteni at the book store where they purchased new books for their school library. 

Bethany Winfrey is bottom left with Angela Ureche the school librarian and Angela Franze, Bethany's friend all have great fun!
 They had so much fun!  It was the first time for both women to actually go into any store and buy something they wanted.  We then drove to Scorteni where a few of the children, the director, the mayor, some of the other teachers and parents where waiting.  It was a delightful experience for all!

Arrival and welcome at the school

They have moved the library from the unheated third floor to the heated first floor, painted the room and refinishing the book shelves.  I am not sure if the students or the teachers are happier about the new books!
A meal was prepared for us on the second floor!  It was so delicious!
Sunday the Branch President in our little branch was changed as Ryan Aiken (from Utah) is being transfered in a few months.  We taught with the Russian speaking Elders Jones and Jiles and also had a visit from President and Sister Hill which was delightful! 

Top left you see Elders Nilsson and Finch, Sister Kitchen, Elder Hill and Jones and Sister Hickman's ponytail.  Bottom left are Elders Jiles (who will be 19 tomorrow) Kitchen and Finch.  Ray and Elder Peterson are cleaning up and top right is Sister Schuld, Elder Jones, Sister Hickman and Elders Nilsson and Jiles.
This morning all the missionaries came to our home for a breakfast and district study.  We prepared omlets and studied repentance.  We are so grateful for dedicated people who love God and love others!

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