We have been busy preparing to leave by getting things in order around the house and visiting family. It is hard to say good-bye, but we know that we are doing what the Lord would have us do. We have been able to visit all of our children and the grandchildren, except those who are far away . We have also been able to say good-bye to good friends and extended family. We will visit other extended family prior to going to the Mission Tranining Center, in Utah.
We were set-apart as missionaries on Sunday, the 30th of October, by our Stake President, President Peterson. This is done by someone who has the priesthood authority, bestowed upon him by the leaders of the church, to give us the authority to be representatives of the church.
President Peterson, Kathy and Ray |
He pronounced may blessing upon us to include protection for our families while we are gone, good health, the ablility to assist the people in Moldova, and the inspiration to know what the Lord would want us to do for the people of Moldova. It was a very spiritual and comforting blessing.
So now it is off to the Mission Training Center to learn how and what we are to do for those in need in Moldova.
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