We left for Utah on the 3rd of November, to visit Kathy's father, John and step-mother, Leta Harding, who are living in Pleasant Grove, Utah. We were met at the airport by a couple we knew in Cuidad Guzman, Mexico. Paul Baker was a missionary there and his wife, Erica, was baptized there. They are married and are living in Utah and have a son named Matthew, with another child on the way. It was very good to see and visit with them.
Us and the Baker's |
They took us to Pleasant Grove, where we stayed until we entered the MTC. While in Pleasant Grove, Kathy's brothers, Ken and Dale came to visit, along with their wives, Harriet and Lana, respectively. We were also able to go to the Salt Lake Temple during this time. Yes, that is real snow on the trees in the background.
Ken, Harriet, Lana, Dale and Kathy at the Salt Lake City Temple |
We were able to meet with some of the missionaries and their spouses who served with us in Argentina. Those that came to dinner Friday night, 4th of November, were Manuel and Rubi Legizamon, Gianna, their daughter, Chris and Leticia Bishop, Tucker, their son, Myntille Nash, JJ Steadman, Jeff and Brittny Lee, Ruth Liebel and Carolina, Myntille's roommate.
JJ, Brittny, Jeff, Chris, Tucker, Leticia, Ruth, Manuel, Rubi, Carolina, Myntille and Gianna |
Then on the 5th, we were able to have a family dinner, to include Tami Criddle, Kathy's sister, her daughter and her husband, Matt and Alia Maw. Also, Ken's two children came, Suzan Wallen and Patrick Harding. We were able to visit with Suzan eariler in the day and meet her two daughters, Mindy and Abbey.
Mindy, Abbey, Suzan, Tami, Matt, Alia, Patrick and Suzan |
Then on Sunday, the 6th, we attended Kathy's father's ward where her uncle Wally and aunt Carol Harding also attend. We were able to corral everyone long enough to get a group picture.
Dale, Ken, Patrick, Lana, Harriet, Leta, Dad, Uncle Wally, Aunt Carol, and us |
Glad you guys got to see everyone! Also, glad you got photos. Have a safe flight-see you Monday. Love, Maria